Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hey guys! It's been weeks since the last time I shows up, well technically I've been sick for awhile, and guess what? It's home sickness!
No! I'm just kidding!

So here we are, I'm like totally wanted to see Ryan Higa in front or me! But to make that chances, I have to move to maybe Hawaii, LA or NYC! Well those place that he usually appears. And I'm excited for his next video, I mean movie. Yeah movie!

I figured many people removed me from their friend list, well what do you expect? They do hates me, maybe, I think. Oh well never mind it, I didn't figure it first after one day when I was counting on request and friends, that's why I found out. I was curious, well like luyee sister's case, I can't find her anywhere even I saw her it just written "Facebook User", and another case was a tap tap player name epic knight. I don't know why the bloody reason he put this name, he doesn't seems to be an "Epic". He is a little bit different, I could found his profile but yet I can't found luyee sister's.

You know, some people pleased to be an truly Otaku, and some of them hate Otaku. I'm ally~ I could be counted as Half Otaku, because I combined with my sister. Weirdo huh? No! I mean...Gar! Never mind. Alright, now what I wanted to say is that I met a guy that he never explained that himself is an Otaku. After dozen year of recognition, I figured he is an Otaku! Know how I found out? Because he can imagine we were eating together through the internet. I have one word to say, not to him but his mother, auntie I'm sorry you have such son that disappointed you because of that silly girl he met on the Internet. Oh and one last thing, could you tell him that I really don't like him and stop take conversation about other girl around him just to make me feel jealous? What crush!? Non of my business~ I'm not his mom, so talk with your son about his relationship problem. He thinks he could make me jealous? Don't be silly! I'd never ever have any feeling on you, not even have the chances for me to stop my feeling. Oh no I mean I'm not even crossing the line. Leave it! Online friend could never being trusted!

Seriously We Malaysian recognise many Singaporean, I used to like them a lot because I hate ours. But once my ages starts grow, I found out, they are the most LCLY people that I met, well not much but a few. Hmm... I wish to describe my words. Well maybe next time.

Omfg! My mom and sis will be back so soon, I wish they were back and bring good news to us! Well maybe they don't wish to come back. -Sigh- percentage of not coming back is 50%

Sent from my iPod

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