Saturday, September 22, 2012


A resume on what have left on last post.
This is a video I made with iMovie!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

July 11, 2012 - August 20, 2012


July 11
这天是我们群中其中一个朋友的生日前夕,他是我们这边唯一一个不太会用华文表达的朋友,也是到目前为止唯一一个不是单身的!哈哈 其实我想都想不到会有这样的情景发生。他生日那天呢我才刚开学所以不用说就是哪里都不敢去,因为怕会隔天会迟到。可是进安,茹依和我就用了我的TalkBox,通过Winter的TalkBox来跟Jake Yew说声生日快乐!那是我有史以来用过最吊的方式祝贺朋友。因为我们三个都是不能熬太夜的人,所以当时去帮Jake Yew庆祝的只是Winter和耀益。

July 12
前一天我们三个在Skype聊了老半天其实是因为进安有东西要求茹依帮忙,就是要他帮忙用AutoCAD设计他要的图。就在今天,进安要去茹依的学校拿那些完整品因为要在那边才能够印出来。所以进安就要来Sunway Pyramid载我然后我带他去茹依的学校。他10点就放学了,在学校呆了3个钟然后来Pyramid呆了1个钟我才放学。跟着GPS我们就到了茹依的学校,可是可以说是他妈的塞车,根本就没有车位放。后来茹依救星出来打救我们了,带我们到有车位的地方然后我们也成功把东西做完了。回家的路上,就想着要去吃,可是因为Subang会很塞车所以我们回到Bukit Tinggi的Espress Cafe那里吃。在那边都坐了3个小时,除了谈天我也帮忙进安把他的assignment做终结,最后他请我和茹依吃了一餐饱的!当中我们也说前一晚Jake Yew,Winter和耀益出去喝茶,今天就是我们三个,感觉上补回了!哈哈哈!

July 13
今天是星期五,也是我人生中最高境界的惊喜,就是我朋友跟我庆祝生日。本来茹依是约星期六晚上全部人一起去喝茶,而且耀益和Winter也比较方便。当天,因为是星期五的关系,我整个人都轻松下来,去图书馆上Facebook。后来看到茹依跟我说话,然后耀益跟我谈天,应该是因为他讲很少话,所以我每次认为他会是有事才来找我,可是这次就不同啦。茹依突然就问我在做什么,我就好奇他谈到一半为什么突然问,然后他问我不是在跟耀益谈天吗?我就想说怪了,为什么他会懂。可是后来才知道因为他跟耀益也在谈晚上的事,可能是想移开我的注意力吧,可是突然两个都不回覆了,然后因为时间的关系我就茹依说回家再谈。回到家茹依就马上叫我开Skype了,进安也在。谈着谈着,进安就说他晚上要跟朋友去Clubbing,被我酸了几句我就问茹依晚上要去喝茶没有因为当时我很闲,他说不能,然后我想说语璇隔天又不在不如晚上就叫他,可是我一直忘记打电话给他所以就放弃了。到了9点左右,茹依就说他要去洗碗先,然后进安还在跟我聊着,突然他也说要跟姐姐出去了,我看看时间想说现在叫语璇出来好像不太好所以就回去我房间看戏,刚好我爸爸也从gym回来所以买了寿司给我吃还去了我妈妈那里一下。大概11点多,我把戏看完了看到观宜有开着Skype就想说跟他谈天,还在拨打中时,Vinson突然近来我的房间说有人在外面找我,我就以为是我姐姐来找我,因为我弟弟就算认识那个人他也不会说是“那个人”,都是“有个人”。因为已经很夜了,我就直接走下楼,到了半楼我就看家门口,可是看不到人因为外面没有开灯,我就问我弟弟谁在外面,然后准备继续走然后后面突然有人走出来,我的头都还来不及转,然后我就喊一声大声的,因为我被他们吓到脚都软,他们唱着生日歌时我的头脑里面有60%是在说为什么我要把家务推到星期日,家是乱到连我都顶不顺!唱完歌后我头脑还卡着然后我就直接问他们为什么在这里,因为这样我爸爸其实会骂我因为没有被他允许,然后我直接吹蜡烛,就叫他们去别边继续。回到房间,观宜已经接了我的Skype Call,爸爸以为我喊是因为有贼,搞到我不懂要做什么。当时看到他们走出来时我真的是很炸到,第一个是看到进安时我就想说,你不是跟你姐姐出去?为什么会在这边?!然后看到茹依,为什么那么夜了还出得来?!因为当时太多人了所以不清楚后来看到谁,可是我看到语璇时也被他吓到想说明天不是不得空吗?然后看到Winter,Jake Yew和耀益从后面走出来,我的脸不懂是白掉还是什么,因为他们应该不得空的啊?Pui Fong出现我也是炸到,因为他晚上从来都不参与我们的。我头脑里只想着:What just happening? 跟我爸爸说声我要出去然后电话和iPad都没带那样就出门了。走着去对面的餐厅时,我的脚还是软的,然后就一直在埋怨,他们都不要理我,只是一直说好啦好啦讨厌就讨厌啦。在那里我就是差不多模糊状态了,一直要问清楚到底整件事时怎么样的。然后大概12点,他们就回家了,我又不想时间过的那么快,就问要不要去看戏,可惜没有戏看,然后决定去喝酒因为同一个星期的星期一我跟Winter去JJ买衣服回家的路上我们就有说要去喝,可是绕了很多地方都是要关了或是很贵,然后耀益问我们是要喝罢了还是也要吃?因为随便的关系,第一次凌晨1点多去Subang Asia Cafe。叫了两支大的Tiger,烧鱼和炸虾。当时我才知道原来耀益真的是不喝啤酒的,上次喝茶时他有说过可是我以为是不喜欢喝罢了,可是原来喝一点他就会脸很红了,虽然我知道他是因为不喜欢那个味道才灌下去导致脸红的。因为上次茹依生日时他也有喝可是另一个朋友更严重,或者!可能以前我没有那么注意他。我和Winter是因为那只辣的烧鱼一直灌酒解辣,可是耀益是一直吃那个辣的鱼来解酒味,明明很辣了可是还再吃。后来3点半左右才决定回家,我一上车就睡了,后来差不多4点前到家, 当时是我人生第一次那么迟回家。我是还好因为隔天没有上课,可是他们明天还要做工。我真的是服了我这班朋友!感谢你们!我爱你们!

July 14
一起身,我19岁了。回想一下昨天我是不是做梦了,走进房间看到一袋东西,不是 我不是做梦。之前我跟茹依说不要买那些没有用的东西因为很浪费钱,我最喜欢收集生日卡了,给我生日卡就够了,回想起来当时我跟他说这件事时,他说Finally! 我以为他明白,可是他居然是刻意让我唱手牵手。我认为生日卡是比较能记念的东西,可是他们送了我更好的东西-相簿 而且还是超级可爱又可以放很多张的那种!生日当天姐姐还故意拿了假期陪我,妈妈也带我去吃到我的肚子涨。跟妈妈说了前一天的事,他只说了一句我预料到的话:看啦 每天把家务推到最后才做。姐姐就说很羡慕,虽然他的也不错。

July 27
这天是我第一次当司机去载我的朋友,进安因为要考试了就说他不想去,可是如果我载他的话他会考虑,因为他没有被我载过。那时真的很乱,因为进安要12点前回家,茹依也是可是他希望我们在他家附近,然后Winter要10点才到家然后我也是10点才会有车。我打给Winter跟他说我终于体会到载人的感觉了。我们有约耀益可是他说他不得空,可是会在Espress Cafe那边,我载了Winter,进安和茹依后就决定去Espress Cafe,不是去捣蛋。刚下车就跟耀益的表哥碰到面,最废的是我还问他做什么会来。哈哈哈!进到去因为没有位了所以要坐里面,就看到耀益坐在附近,然后Winter就开始表演老大讨债了。后来差不多12点左右他跟别人谈完后就来我们这里聊了几句后又去了另一个桌子,跟他的姐姐和表哥那桌。然后过不久我们就回了,因为真的觉得我们有打搅到他。哈哈哈!

August 10
这一天我们群中最年老的Winter生日前夕,这单Case就比我那单难多了,因为他不是每天在家。我们其实是在我生日后就开始讨论了,因为我和他的生日太靠近了所以想不出太好的吓法。考虑过很多可是觉得他不会上当,因为上次他已经说过同样的招数是吓不到他的。实行前我们就问了他的表弟(所谓三天同学)他家的电话号码,然后进安就打电话去他家找他妈妈,我就负责cubie给Winter问他在哪里,他说去看戏。看戏就算了,还去看我想约去看的Total Recall... 要去他家那天也是星期五,就是因为跟我是在同一种时候所以才难!星期五我有马来文班,在班上时他就问我隔天有没有空,要不要去游泳,当时我就觉得怪了,因为他前几天还一直跟我说他早上有从台湾的朋友回来找他,应该从早上到晚上都不得空,因为我一直要假装约他星期六。后来坐火车回来都6点了,到家了又走去买礼物的盒子,可是最后买了袋子因为盒子都太小了。回家的路上我打给耀益问他可不可以帮忙买蛋糕因为我觉得我这里不是太大就是太小,可是他不懂他去打球时蛋糕要怎么办,还好最后茹依帮了个大忙去买了。回到家时,看到Winter叫我viber他,他下午已经约了我游泳这次居然问我隔天下午得空没有,我就想说惨了 我就快要看透我了,因为我跟他说我很忙没有空帮他庆祝,然后我就问他是不是被别人甩了!他就说他们推到晚上所以隔天下午得空。我隔天其实是没有事做,可是如果跟他说得空他就会知道我瞒着东西,如果说忙我又没得去了。后来他说下午罢了 晚上他要找朋友 我听了就想说 哎呀可以啦,可是是聊了两个钟后才说可以。当天他说晚上要和朋友去Damansara喝酒我就说他妈妈不会让的,然后讲了很多废话来留住他。茹依打来给我时我没有关掉viber也被他听到了,可是我硬说是每个人星期日要补生日给他,还是觉得他已经懂了,耀益就跟茹依说不然就直接跟他讲了那样他就可以跟他的朋友一个好的解释,然后我想了两遍就想说将错就错!我就叫Winter跟我去喝茶,不要跟朋友去,可是我不能给他一个好的理由所以就叫他给我那个人的电话号码 然后我去跟那个人说。他说他答应别人了而且为什么我一定要今天约他,我就把我的脸皮添厚了,说其实我是想跟他告白。严重的是他说告白不用出来,在viber就可以拒绝了, 问题是那个是我的空白作战,就说除了要告白我和耀益还有事要跟他讲,耀益不能viber所以一定要当面讲。后来他真的跟他朋友说了,虽然是成功了,可是内疚是有一点。其实说去喝茶也是好,可以帮他们买时间虽然我知道耀益不会出现 哈哈哈!

To be continued...

Monday, August 20, 2012

时间 你可以再快点


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bestie's Birthday - Winter

2012, a very special year for me, because I get to know all my friends better. I know them since my High School Senior year, I never done a celebration success before, which I screwed them all. But this one will be one of those that keeps in mind.
The funnier the friend, the awesome parents they have.

I know right, I got this picture like right on time! So much like drama! So much WIN!
Why is he tall? I don't know...

I bet he got surprised!
Best friends for Life
Look at the clock behind! It's 12am! hahaha!!
What are they doing right there?
He has no idea how to slices the cake eh?

Waiting~ hahaha
The wifey is slicing the cake~ yes that's what I mentioned, wifey... hahaha
See how adorable they both is! haha
He's introducing "Da Shao" to his mother!
Laughing out loud for that part!
Everyone was laughing as well~
Dining... I guess that's snacking or suppering
Oh now they are interested in the picture hahaha
Yup, we started drinking...
Someone started posing!
Someone started the hugging, only his wifey of course! XD
Blushing or what? No~ side effect of drinking to fast...

They aren't weird, they are my friends... the best ever!
I never thought I would have a gang of friends because I would rather "be" with one particular best friend, it feels more comfortable. But I changed my mind, more is better than one.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


My sister done my nail yesterday and they are pretty and cute.

Picture of us in OB class

Amazing interior that I need it in future hahaha!!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The French song I like

I have been singing the Canada National Anthem for quite a long time since I'm taking a Canadian course in College, that's the reason why I sing a little French now, well if there's French as a second language in the subject list, I would surely choose it, but awww there isn't. After I found out that this song was in French, I immediately amazed by the music, reason maybe because it's different with the French version of Canada National Anthem, probably. I love it much!

Forth week of holiday

Hello, how are you? I have been stuck in my tiny little room, facing the wall and sit at the corner, and yes I am bored. But I did enjoy some of my days. =)
My friend and I visited Desa Water Park on my first weekend of holiday, we actually planned to go to Shah Alam Wet World but we kinda changed our mind. It was one of my best memorable moment I think, like it's our first trip that went succeed.
Trying to plan another one, maybe Aquarium? or Zoo? I wish! =D

Thanks guys, for the memories.

Friday, June 29, 2012

It's time to waste some time here.

中学是遇到很多的争吵,可是我觉得是成长的过程啦,人生中最严重也是最无聊的就是Form 3时候,不过现在我觉得是命运!如果不是那么一吵,我也不会遇到我现在的这些朋友!如果Form 3是没有吵架,我铁定会叫我全部朋友不要考那么好然后全部人留在同一班。我真的是感激感激加感激呢,也感激我没能成功换班,如果要我再加一个解释的话,我其实是在逞强,带一点好胜,因为我不想输给任何一个在Form 3时损过我的人。
所以呀,就算我Form 4时也有跟几个Form 3的人同班,可是那两个就是刚好是要有靠山时才敢说我的人,也就因为跟他们同班,让我一再不想再一次输,感觉好像命运再给了我一次让我表现自我的机会,也让我这次有伙伴陪着我走。这回我就不知道我该感谢谁/什么。如果可以给我一个月回去中学时期,我真的会尽力疯狂!我人生里没有遇过对我不好的人,只有那些让我成长的人,而且现在的我是非常感激他们。

Monday, June 18, 2012

I made a confession

I confessed to a friend that I don't like him since the first day I met him, the main reason is because, he don't smile. But everything changed now, well at least I understand that he's trying his best now. I planned to tell him the previous days but shits happened, that's why I missed the chances, but I did find my good friend for help, I asked her to suggest "true or dare" as a game and then when the arrow hits me, ask me who I don't like, and then I will point at him. But that probably would embarrassed all of us. After the confession I made, I feel relieved. How good was the feeling I said.

Well, now that all is good, I guess that's no barrier around us anyway. I used to NOT TO look at him when I was talking to him, like he might kill me, but no more, no more... =)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

1 week before my finals in my Canadian International Matriculation Programme's first semester. One semester holds 6 months, but I felt like 2 days. I have so much fun in CiMP.

No doubt I'm the first student from SMK Batu Unjur who registered for CiMP course, I was grateful that I get into CiMP at Sunway University College!

Thank You Cimpians!

CiMP LipDub song!

Let's get it on, yeah, y'all can come along Everybody drinks on me, bought out the bar Just to feel like I'm a star, now I'm thanking the academy Missed my ride home, lost my iPhone I wouldn't have it any other way If you're with me let me hear you say I like it like that! Hey windows down, chillin' with the radio on I like it like that! Damn, sun's so hot, make the girls take it all off I like it like that! Yeah, one more time, I can never get enough, Oh, everybody Sing it right back, I like it like that! (I like it like that, I like it like that) Till the break of the dawn, yeah, party on my lawn Whistle as the girls walk by if the cops roll up (so what?) Pour the cops a cup cause everybody's here tonight Call a taxi, pack the back seat I wouldn't have it any other way If you're with me let me hear you say I like it like that! Hey windows down, chillin' with the radio on I like it like that! Damn, sun's so hot, make the girls take it all off I like it like that! Yeah, one more time, I can never get enough Oh, everybody, Sing it right back, I like it like that! Oh oh oh oh, like that Oh oh oh oh, like that Oh oh oh oh, sing it right back, I like it like that Oh the homie brought the booze I like it like that cause the girls playin' beer pong in the back We havin' fun partying til the break of dawn Go grab a cup I dunno what people waitin' on And I'm gonna want a girl that I know I can take home In the zone, where I think I had lost my phone You can tell by looking in the party's straight crack And don't worry 'bout it girls cause I like it like I'm max faded at my grandma's house And leave your clothes over there, that's grandma couch I be filmin' her friends too, yeah I'm back on that Double D chicks huggin', I got racks on racks Like, I don't want the luxuries of a superstar I'm just tryin' to chill with Miley at the hookah bar You like cartoons? I'll make your heart melt With the seat back, playin in the back, like I like it like that! Hey windows down, chillin' with the radio on I like it like that! Damn, sun's so hot, make the girls take it all off I like it like that! Yeah, one more time, I can never get enough Oh, everybody Sing it right back, I like it like that! [x2] Oh oh oh oh like that Oh oh oh oh like that... Oh oh oh oh everybody, sing it right back, I like it like that I like it like that

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


F all that comm tech course retards! You are the one who should have deal with the logo, that is your project and the F you made it looks so irrelevant to what we suppose to do. I'm selling my products on April and what caused it related to Christmas? My english is poor enough but yours is worse! Spell everything wrong and even insert the wrong company's name?! Can you just get help from your classmate? I think I can do a better advertisement myself BETTER than yours! My gawd, Mr. Dave why should we use them but not ourself? They are the one who design this irrelevant advertise and we are the one we have to accept it and have it as our advertisement. I'm so mad right now and they actually blaming on me even though wasn't me who sent him all those image, why won't he just ask my friends????

Thursday, January 26, 2012

I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the knee.

I gave up too much.
For a thousand time I said.
But still, something stopping me to do so.

I am once a great person, and also a fool.
Even if I'm awesome now, fate doesn't change.
I meet mean people, very much.
People that stab me from the back,
untie my shoelace so I slow down.

I did not try, I never.
Try on Life, like literally.
I never, go forward.
Until I realized, I'm on the back.

This is a true story.
Never slow yourself down,
don't find reason to step down.
I doubted, I chosen, I regretted, for what I did.
To make some occasion better,
I replaced the words, 'If Only'
To 'Next Time'.

Chances are given,
I have another chance to try on,
Why should I not?
It's better for everyone,
Every time when I tells somebody about my problem,
They told me that I'm good enough,
But yet, I wasn't trying my best.

I have to opportunity to RETRY, to REMATCH

Mom, Dad.
Sometimes I just want SOMEONE to stress me, not SOMETHING.

Maybe that arrow didn't get to my knee.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Chinese New Year

Happy Chinese New Year to all Chinese fellows!

Just brought a new MacBook, so now trying on the webcam.